Detailed PTSD Assessment (PCL-5)
For the curious: There are lots of different PTSD assessments. The rather lengthy CAPS-5 is frequently called “the gold standard.” But research shows that the CAPS-5, newer CAPS-5-R, and PCL-5 all have very high clinical validity. In other words, they all work very well, and about equally well, to identify people with PTSD.
The short, four-question version of the PCL-5 also has very high clinical validity, which is why I include it on this site. But the full twenty-question version is a great way to explore your symptoms in more detail, and to better understand how treatment is improving them. And if your score on the short version seemed ambiguous, taking the long version may give you more insight.
When you answer these questions, think about any difficult experiences that have been coming up for you lately, and what effects you’ve experienced over the past month.
How often have you been experiencing…