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It changes every aspect of our lives.

I can't tell anyone how hard things are. I don't know where to start.

Nothing I do seems like enough.

I feel isolated, overwhelmed, and stuck, all at once.

Dealing with its effects can seem like a massive, impossible project. 

But its complex impact also means that when we start healing from it, every aspect of our lives gets better and better.

You deserve to heal. You deserve happiness and peace.

And there’s no reason you can’t have that.


Trauma Processing



Quick PTSD Check

Sometimes things happen to people that are unusually or especially frightening, horrible, or traumatic. These experiences might be "obviously" traumatizing, or you might convince yourself "it wasn't that bad." But what ultimately matters are the effects, not the cause.

Regardless of what's been coming up for you, in the past month, have you...

1 / 5

Had nightmares about it, or thought about it when you did not want to?

2 / 5

Felt numb or detached from people, activities, or your surroundings?

3 / 5

Tried hard not to think about it, or went out of your way to avoid being reminded of it?

4 / 5

Been constantly on guard, watchful, or easily startled?

5 / 5

Felt guilty, or unable to stop blaming yourself or others, for the event(s) or any problems the event(s) may have caused?

Your score is


Tomato Bruschetta

Tomatoes / Olive Oil / Cheese / Yaki Sauce

Tomato Bruschetta

Tomatoes / Olive Oil / Cheese / Yaki Sauce

Tomato Bruschetta

Tomatoes / Olive Oil / Cheese / Yaki Sauce

Tomato Bruschetta

Tomatoes / Olive Oil / Cheese / Yaki Sauce

You deserve peace

take our trauma recovery class


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